.. _installation: Installation ============ The python-paillier library requires a minimum Python version of at least 3.3. .. note:: A big integer math library is used to increase the speed of python-paillier and to access a cryptographic random source. All big integer math has been implemented with `GMP `_ - the GNU Multiple Precision arithmetic library. This dependency should be installed for your operating system. On Ubuntu systems the following packages should be installed:: libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libmpfr4 libgmp3-dev Using pip --------- Using pip at the command line, to install the base library from `PyPi `_:: $ pip install phe To also install the :ref:`command line utility `, introduced at version 1.2:: pip install "phe[cli]>1.2" Examples have been written which have their own additional requirements such as sklearn. To also install those:: pip install "phe[cli,examples]" Or, if you have `virtualenvwrapper `_ installed:: $ mkvirtualenv phe $ pip install -e ".[CLI]" Manual installation ------------------- To install from the source package, first install any of the (optional) dependencies (eg pycrypto, gmpy2). A list can be found in ``requirements.txt``. Then install as normal:: $ python setup.py install Docker ------ A minimal Docker file based on alpine linux:: FROM python:3-alpine RUN ["apk", "add", "--no-cache", \ "g++", \ "musl-dev", \ "gmp-dev", \ "mpfr-dev", \ "mpc1-dev" \ ] RUN pip install phe