Source code for phe.command_line

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import datetime
import json

import click
import phe

__author__ = 'brian'

[docs]def log(m, color='red'): click.echo(, fg=color), err=True)"pheutil") @click.version_option('1.0-alpha') @click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, help='Enables verbose mode.') def cli(verbose=False): """CLI for interacting with python-paillier """ @cli.command("genpkey") @click.argument('output', type=click.File('w')) @click.option("--keysize", type=int, default=2048, help="The keysize in bits. Defaults to 2048") @click.option("--id", type=str, default=None, help="Add an identifying comment to the key") def generate_keypair(keysize, id, output): """Generate a paillier private key. Output as JWK to given output file. Use "-" to output the private key to stdout. See the extract command to extract the public component of the private key. Note: The default ID text includes the current time. """ log("Generating a paillier keypair with keysize of {}".format(keysize)) pub, priv = phe.generate_paillier_keypair(n_length=keysize) log("Keys generated") date ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") jwk_public = { 'kty': "DAJ", 'alg': "PAI-GN1", "key_ops": ["encrypt"], 'n': phe.util.int_to_base64(pub.n), 'kid': "Paillier public key generated by pheutil on {}".format(date) } jwk_private = { 'kty': "DAJ", 'key_ops': ["decrypt"], 'p': phe.util.int_to_base64(priv.p), 'q': phe.util.int_to_base64(priv.q), 'pub': jwk_public, 'kid': "Paillier private key generated by pheutil on {}".format(date) } json.dump(jwk_private, output) output.write('\n') log("Private key written to {}".format( @cli.command() @click.argument('input', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('output', type=click.File('w')) def extract(input, output): """Extract public key from private key. Given INPUT a private paillier key file as generated by generate, extract the public key portion to OUTPUT. Use "-" to output to stdout. """ log("Loading paillier keypair") priv = json.load(input) error_msg = "Invalid private key" assert 'pub' in priv, error_msg assert priv['kty'] == 'DAJ', error_msg json.dump(priv['pub'], output) output.write('\n') log("Public key written to {}".format( @cli.command() @click.argument('public', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('plaintext', type=str) @click.option('--output', type=click.File('w'), help="Save to file instead of stdout") def encrypt(public, plaintext, output=None): """Encrypt a number with public key. The PLAINTEXT input will be interpreted as a floating point number. Output will be a JSON object with a "v" attribute containing the ciphertext as a string, and "e" the exponent as a Number, where possible fixed at -32. Note if you are passing a negative number to encrypt, you will need to include a "--" between the public key and your plaintext. """ num = float(plaintext) log("Loading public key") publickeydata = json.load(public) pub = load_public_key(publickeydata) log("Encrypting: {:+.16f}".format(num)) enc = pub.encrypt(num) serialised = serialise_encrypted(enc) print(serialised, file=output)
[docs]def serialise_encrypted(enc): if enc.exponent > -32: enc = enc.decrease_exponent_to(-32) assert enc.exponent == -32 else: log("Exponent is less than -32") obj = json.dumps({ "v": str(enc.ciphertext()), "e": enc.exponent }) return obj
@cli.command() @click.argument('private', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('ciphertext', type=click.File('r')) @click.option('--output', type=click.File('w'), help="Save to file instead of stdout") def decrypt(private, ciphertext, output): """Decrypt ciphertext with private key. Requires PRIVATE key file and the CIPHERTEXT encrypted with the corresponding public key. """ privatekeydata = json.load(private) assert 'pub' in privatekeydata pub = load_public_key(privatekeydata['pub']) log("Loading private key") private_key_error = "Invalid private key" assert 'key_ops' in privatekeydata, private_key_error assert "decrypt" in privatekeydata['key_ops'], private_key_error assert 'p' in privatekeydata, private_key_error assert 'q' in privatekeydata, private_key_error assert privatekeydata['kty'] == 'DAJ', private_key_error _p = phe.util.base64_to_int(privatekeydata['p']) _q = phe.util.base64_to_int(privatekeydata['q']) private_key = phe.PaillierPrivateKey(pub, _p, _q) log("Decrypting ciphertext") enc = load_encrypted_number(ciphertext, pub) out = private_key.decrypt(enc) print(out, file=output) @cli.command("addenc") @click.argument('public', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('encrypted_a', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('encrypted_b', type=click.File('r')) @click.option('--output', type=click.File('w'), help="Save to file instead of stdout") def add_encrypted(public, encrypted_a, encrypted_b, output): """Add two encrypted numbers together. """ log("Loading public key") publickeydata = json.load(public) pub = load_public_key(publickeydata) log("Loading first encrypted number") enc_a = load_encrypted_number(encrypted_a, pub) log("Loading second encrypted number") enc_b = load_encrypted_number(encrypted_b, pub) log("Adding encrypted numbers together") enc_result = enc_a + enc_b serialised_result = serialise_encrypted(enc_result) print(serialised_result, file=output) @cli.command("add") @click.argument('public', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('encrypted', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('plaintext', type=str) @click.option('--output', type=click.File('w'), help="Save to file instead of stdout") def add_encrypted_to_plaintext(public, encrypted, plaintext, output): """Add encrypted number to unencrypted number. Requires a PUBLIC key file, a number ENCRYPTED with that public key also as a file, and the PLAINTEXT number to add. Creates a new encrypted number. """ log("Loading public key") publickeydata = json.load(public) pub = load_public_key(publickeydata) log("Loading encrypted number") enc = load_encrypted_number(encrypted, pub) log("Loading unencrypted number") num = float(plaintext) log("Adding") enc_result = enc + num serialised_result = serialise_encrypted(enc_result) print(serialised_result, file=output) @cli.command("multiply") @click.argument('public', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('encrypted', type=click.File('r')) @click.argument('plaintext', type=str) @click.option('--output', type=click.File('w'), help="Save to file instead of stdout") def multiply_encrypted_to_plaintext(public, encrypted, plaintext, output): """Multiply encrypted num with unencrypted num. Requires a PUBLIC key file, a number ENCRYPTED with that public key also as a file, and the PLAINTEXT number to multiply. Creates a new encrypted number. """ log("Loading public key") publickeydata = json.load(public) pub = load_public_key(publickeydata) log("Loading encrypted number") enc = load_encrypted_number(encrypted, pub) log("Loading unencrypted number") num = float(plaintext) log("Multiplying") enc_result = enc * num serialised_result = serialise_encrypted(enc_result) print(serialised_result, file=output)
[docs]def load_public_key(public_key_data): error_msg = "Invalid public key" assert 'alg' in public_key_data, error_msg assert public_key_data['alg'] == 'PAI-GN1', error_msg assert public_key_data['kty'] == 'DAJ', error_msg n = phe.util.base64_to_int(public_key_data['n']) pub = phe.PaillierPublicKey(n) return pub
[docs]def load_encrypted_number(enc_number_file, pub): ciphertext_data = json.load(enc_number_file) assert 'v' in ciphertext_data assert 'e' in ciphertext_data enc = phe.EncryptedNumber(pub, int(ciphertext_data['v']), exponent=ciphertext_data['e'] ) return enc
if __name__ == "__main__": cli()